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as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. (I Cor, 12:2)
For Fo(1 Corinthians 12:12)rld. (f
Kingdom Now Global Alliance is a Kingdom Oriented networking team of five- fold ministerial gifts that is seeking to further the work of God’s kingdom, through building meaningful and resourceful relationships with associated and affiliated ministries, assemblies and organizations.
KNGA has many services, and primarily serves in the areas of strengthening and developing leadership, ordinations, helps administration, business and humanitarian missions from community to global levels. They seek to create structures by which we can work together to manifest wholeness, health, and wealth, which are accomplished through kingdom strategies and life experiences.
KNGA exists at the pleasure of the ministries, assemblies, and organizations it serves.
Kingdom Now Global Alliance is committed to provide Apostolic Covering and developmental training in various areas of ministry, we are committed to church planting, activation and Impartation that will promote the manifestations of the gifts of the spirit. We also ordain and provide licensing to qualified ministers.